Diocesan and National Events

While we may offer many opportunities within our parish and partnership communities, it is also important to enable young people to participate in diocesan and national activities where they meet a larger group of young people of their own age and receive a different and often life-changing experience.

The Source

The Source, organised by YMT, provides an event for young people from Year 9 and above. It takes place at St Mary’s Cathedral four times each year from 7.00pm – 8.30pm and includes prayer, worship, a guest speaker and a time to socialise and share food.

The dates for the academic year2018/19 are Wednesday 3rd October, 5th December, 6th February and 3rd April.

St Peter’s coordinates a bus for our partnership which leaves Cardinal Hume School at 6.20pm returning to Cardinal Hume at 8.50pm approx. All young people should be collected from the school grounds.

Please contact Kathleen Byrne or Maria Elliott for further information

The EVENT is a free, monthly event held at St Joseph’s Catholic Academy, Hebburn between 6.00pm – 7.30pm for all young people in the Diocese from years 5, 6, 7 and 8.

The EVENT is completely free of charge and complimentary pizza and refreshments are provided afterwards so the young people can get to know others from different schools across the Diocese. All school groups, parish groups, parents, parishioners, staff and clergy are welcome to attend.

For more details or to book (numbers are needed for catering purposes), contact Andrew Young on 0191 428 2700 or email younga@stjosephs.uk.net

17th October 2018
21st November 2018
19th December 2018
16th January 2019
13th February 2019


Flame is a National Catholic Youth Congress which takes place every two years at Wembley Arena. In 2017, 800 young people and accompanying adults from our Diocese attended this event joining with thousands of young people from across the country. Buses left from each local area.

Flame will take place again on Saturday 2nd March 2019. Young people in Year 10 and above are invited to book a place and our Confirmation Group are also invited to participate. The cost is £40 and includes return coach travel and a £20 Wembley ticket. Maria Elliott will be coordinating the bus from our partnership.